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Hey, I'm Anthony!

Ten year ago I was $80k in debt, living in the back of a van, and struggling daily to get out of my own way. I felt trapped by my quirkly ADHD mind and life's infinite distractions.

Unfocused, undisciplined, and unreliable... I lacked the tools needed to survive, much less thrive. But I knew I was made for more and so I went on a search.

A search that led me to a system for reclaiming control of the most valuable asset any of us have...My focus.

Anthony Vicino headshot 2

With this system I built a few successful businesses and wrote a few bestselling books.

I might have ADHD, but there's nothing unique about my story. We all struggle with distractions, procrastination, and self-sabotage. I simply found a system for goal setting, prioritization, and execution which allowed me to unleash my hyperfocused mind on demand.

Now I'm on a mission to help other entrepreneurs, creatives, and high performers build better businesses, invest in real estate, and maximize their Return on Life.

Want to learn how I unleashed my hyperfocused mind (and how you can too)?

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Deep dives into peak performance, creating wealth, and living a life Beyond the Apex.

I can’t believe how badly I screwed this one up…

27 Feb 2025

I destroyed my best friend’s business… here’s what happened read time: 8 minutes watch the video here instead Eight years ago, I made one of the biggest mistakes in my entrepreneurial career: I destroyed my best friend’s business. And to this day, it remains the most painful failure I’ve ever experienced—not just because I tanked a company that wasn’t mine, but because of why it happened. It wasn’t because of the market. It wasn’t bad luck. It wasn’t even poor execution. It was me. I went…

The only framework you need to grow your business to over $1M

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The Only Framework You Need To Grow Your Business To Over $1M/month read time: 9 minutes too busy to read? watch here instead. Seven years ago I was knee deep in trying to build a business that manufactured polyurethane rock climbing holds with my buddy Ryan. Now here’s the thing… I knew absolutely nothing about manufacturing and even less about polyurethane (though as a former professional rock climber, I did thankfully know a thing or two about rock climbing holds). Despite our ignorance,…

These are my favorite books to re-read every year

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The Hyperfocused EntrepreneurDecember 26, 2024Read time: 14 minutes Too busy to read? Watch the video here instead. Struggling to cut through the to-do list? Here’s how I turned ADHD into a superpower. Years ago I got hit with a Facebook ad from one of those skeezy internet marketer types saying the average CEO reads 52 books a year. At that point I was living in the back of a van and just looking for a way to turn my life around, so when I heard this I thought: “Well, hell, CEOs probably…

The Two-Hour Revenue Playbook

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unlocking the most lucrative skill in the world

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Unlocking the Most Lucrative Skill in the World read time 4 minutes This week’s newsletter is sponsored by my friends over at AppSumo. Here’s one of my favorite deals they offer: TidyCal. If you hate hate paying an arm-and-a-leg on recurring monthly fees for subscription software like Calendly, then this is for you. TidyCal has ALL the same functionality, but at a fraction of the price (which you ONLY PAY ONCE!). Click here to check it out (and all the other kille deals AppSumo offers). Since…

I usually charge $1,700/hour for this advice…

23 Jul 2024

My Most Valuable Business Advice read time 6 minutes This week’s newsletter is sponsored by my friends over at AppSumo. New YouTube video JUST released. Watch here. I charge $1,700 an hour to consult businesses scaling to 8-figures and beyond. Which is a LOT of money, but here’s the weird thing… I find myself repeating the same 9 pieces of advice over and over and over again. So today I want to give you my most common advice so you don’t have to hire me and can save yourself a few bucks: 1….

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