The Alter Ego Effect Review

7, Jan 2023


The Alter Ego Effect Review

The Amplified Impact Podcast
January 7th, 2023

What if I told you that you have the capability to transform your own life, achieve personal growth, and reach new heights… and that the answer is within you all along?

Too cheesy?

In today’s episode of Amplified Impact, Anthony discusses the power of creating alter egos to transform your life and ultimately achieve personal and professional growth.

He reflects on his own experiences of embodying different characters and how it has helped him excel in the different aspect of his life, may it be business, his relationships, personal growth, or even sports.

Tune in to discover how stepping into your alter ego can help you tap into new levels of performance and success in your personal and professional endeavors. Achieve personal growth today.


“And this isn’t to say that you’re faking it or you’re pretending to be something that you’re not. It’s not that. This alter ego is all the best parts of yourself in that moment, manifesting how you want them to.” – Anthony Vicino

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Episode Transcript:

Anthony: [00:00:00] I might’ve just been a really weird kid, but I remember going to movie theaters and watching like superhero movies and leaving and starting to think and, and play with the different mannerisms and physicalities of that character. Like walking out of the theatre after watching James Bond or Ninja Turtles and like, how would they walk, how would they talk?

Anthony: How would they stand? How would they, how would they present themselves? How would they respond in different situations? Since I was little, like I was always fascinated with getting into the mindset and embodying these different characters and, and taking little, things from certain characters that I liked and, and, and applying it.

Anthony: And well, you know, when I was little, like I, I just had so much imagination and this desire to like, play, make believe, you know, a lot of kids like play dress up and like, like dress like Superman or Batman, and. I did that without really dressing up. Like, I just, in my mind I’m like, oh, I’m going to be like so and so right now. Personal Growth

Anthony: Like, how would they behave? And I remember getting into a [00:01:00] fight. I, I must have been in middle school, like seventh grade maybe on the playground. with, I don’t remember, I don’t remember the context. I just remember being the new kid in the school and getting picked on and I had just watched a movie. I think it must have been like the Three Musketeers or something like that.

Anthony: Cause I remember like being in this, in this altercation with this other kid and, and thinking like, how would the Three Musketeers approach this? Like how would. How would they, how would they handle this fight? And I remember fighting like this kid as one of the three musketeers. which seems like a really weird thing.

Anthony: but I found it really useful. In so many different aspects of my life going into different arenas, whether it was chess or snowboarding or running or martial arts, combat sports, rock climbing business. To have this [00:02:00] embodiment of a character of these traits of something beyond ourselves that we’re trying to.

Anthony: To live in alignment with. And this is something that, like when I started writing science fiction and fantasy was actually really one of the things that drew me to it. Like the, the act of writing fiction and putting myself into the character that I’m writing about. I love that stuff. I loved it.

Anthony: And so this is a really long preamble, but I want to talk about a book that I just read recently that I think would serve a lot of you high performers, entrepreneurs, business owners, family people, whatever, that are trying to go into a domain of their life and they need to be at their peak. Because I, in reading this book, I realized that a lot of the things that he talks about are things that I had just been inherently doing my entire life without really, been cognizant of it or the.

Anthony: The benefits or the positives. Once I read this book, I was like, holy crap, I do, this is me. Like I do this in like so many different facets and domains of my life. I was [00:03:00] like, this is crazy. The book itself is called The Alter Ego Effect by Todd Hermann, the Power of Secret Identities to Transform Your Life, and Todd Hermann, he’s like a high performance coach that’s worked with just all sorts of high level CEOs, executives, basketball, sports stars, Olympic athletes, just run the gamut.

Anthony: And his only goal when working with these people is how to extract the maximum amount of performance in that moment. He’s not trying to make them well-rounded, great human beings or whatever like that. He’s, he’s like taking a skier who needs to go to the Olympics and needs to perform at their best. And he is like, how do I get them to, in the moment perform at their best and the solution that he’s been utilizing for decades?

Anthony: The creation of an alter ego. And it’s really interesting because when you look at the research on this and you like start to uncover, how prevalent this is, like in sports stars in particular, like [00:04:00] so many individuals time and time again report like, oh yeah, I have this character that I step into once I am on the court.

Anthony: Like Kobe Bryant, black Mamba, Bo Jackson had his character, I can’t remember who it was. Beyonce had her, her character that she would step onto when she was on stage, I think was like, Stormy fiery storm or something like that. I can’t remember what the name was, but so many different high performers have like this character, this persona that they step into.

Anthony: And I think you can take this and apply it to your business or to like negotiations or to your family or to like whatever domain that you like. What field of play is what Todd Herman would call this, like whatever field of play that you need to be at your best. And he talks through all these different

Anthony: ways of creating this persona so that it serves you best, and like really getting deeply rooted into that, that that persona’s story and it’s back, it’s origin story and it’s, it’s deep motivating why and [00:05:00] how it would respond to different situations so that when you’re in that moment, Of like a heated negotiation, let’s say.

Anthony: Like you aren’t responding as yourself, responding as this, this persona. And this isn’t to say like you’re faking it till you’re making it, or you’re pretending to be something that you’re not. It’s, it’s not that. This is the alter ego is all the best parts of yourself in that moment, manifesting how you want them to. (personal growth)

Anthony: So it’s like Clark Kent, Superman. One is the alter ego, you know, it doesn’t mean that one is the truer sense of Superman or Clark Kent. They’re just, man, different manifestations of him trying to fit in into different moments. So this book is like really powerful actually. The concept at its core. And for me, I, I’ve been doing this in like, I remember when I used to fight, combat sports and like TaeKwonDo, muay thai, Brazilian jujitsu, like I

Anthony: embodied certain characters that I would step onto the, the, [00:06:00] the map as like, one in particular that stood out is Brad Pitt’s Achilles from Troy. Like, the character always just like really resonated with me with, I don’t know if you guys have ever seen that movie, but the fight choreograph a choreography is beautiful and Achilles in that movie is just so fluid and beautiful and makes everything look so, so easy and so calm.

Anthony: And that’s the persona that I would step onto when I, and I’d be fighting. I’d be like, I want to be fluid and beautiful and calm, but lethal. when it came to, you know, other, other areas of my life when it came to writing, like I would, I would try to project myself as Brandon Sanderson, who is an incredibly prolific writer who just never seems to struggle with creativity or, like putting his butt in the seat and actually writing. Personal Growth

Anthony: And I would sit down and be like, okay, now it’s time to go into Brandon Sanderson mode. If he can do it, I can do it. And like, kind of wearing that hat, there’s just so much value in this concept of [00:07:00] creating an ultra. That I would highly encourage everybody to check, check out this book, the Alter Ego Effect by Todd Herman.

Anthony: It’s well worth it. It’s a quick read. I think you’ll walk away with a lot of, things to chew on and, and apply to your life. So if you’re, if you’re struggling in a part particular field of play, check out this book and take it to the next level. I think it’ll help a lot. So if you got some value out of this, go leave a like review, share it with, somebody.

Anthony: I just think we’ll get some value out of it, and I’ll see you guys tomorrow.

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