Hey, I’m Anthony...
Here's the highlight reel:
→ 12x Best Selling Author
→ Host of Amplified Impact Podcast
→ Built a few successful businesses (a few not-so successful)
→ Manage a $85M real estate portfolio
Here’s my story.👇
Have you ever felt trapped?
Trapped in a relationship. Trapped in a job.
Trapped in a life you couldn’t control.
I have.
I felt trapped for my first 30 years on this planet.
Trapped by a mind that my teachers, parents, and doctors told me wasn’t normal.
Trapped by the drugs that they gave me to help me fit in.
Trapped by my inability to keep a job… maintain relationships… make money.
My fiance left me
My fiance left me six months after my 28th birthday. And then I got fired.
With over $75,000 in debt, I lived in the back of a van for the next 4 months desperately trying to figure out what to do next.
Things have changed a lot since then.
The struggle remains the same, but the tools I’ve discovered to overcome my limitations and unlock the greatness we all know we have lurking inside are completely different.
Let’s back up a little…
Maslow said, “That which we can be, we must be.”
Nobody believes they were born to be average. Each of us believes there is greatness within.
When we’re not moving towards that greatness, we feel it in our soul in the form of discontent, frustration, malaise, apathy, anger, and disappointment.
My journey began after winning the South Dakota State Chess Championship when I was 13 years old. Afterward, my dad said,
“Good, you were supposed to.”
struggle beneath
We all struggle beneath the weight of expectation.
In fact, it’s in the gap between expectation and reality that the entirety of our unhappiness resides.
I’ve spent my life searching for ways to bridge that gap.
It took a long time and required getting kicked in the proverbial teeth, but there, living in the back of that van, with no way out but up, I made some changes.
my mindset, my habits, and my goals
Changes to my mindset, my habits, and my goals.
I did it by studying the psychology of peak performers and my implementing the behaviors of those people who’d already made it to where I wanted to go.
No matter what you want in life, it all comes down to one thing:
Where you focus your attention.
Attention is your most precious resource (this, coming from a guy with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).
Everything started changing
It wasn’t easy, but things started changing pretty quickly once I figured out where and how to direct my hyperfocused attention.
In only a few short years I published 12 novels, built a few successful businesses, acquired over $70 million worth of real estate, and launched 2 top Apple podcasts.
I owe everything to the lessons learned around HYPERFOCUS.
Now, I can’t make the distractions go away.
But I can give you the tools to overcome them… to take control of your life…and to unlock your greatness.
Would you like to learn how?
Well then, you're in the right place.
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